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January 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

January 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: May 18th, 2022   Topic: Board Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2021

Edmond, OK

10:00 A.M.



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President West.


Flag Salute/ Invocation: Sheriff Weir

Roll Call The roll was called with the following members present West, Turner, Devereaux, Booth, Smith, Bowling, Chennault, Head, Kelley, Weir, Mitchell, Sander, Reeve, Janz


Approval of Minutes: Sheriff Turner motioned to approve minutes Sheriff Weir seconded. Motion passed.


Introduction of Guests: Sheriff Offolter, Sheriff Rink, Jason Williams


Guest Speaker: Retain Oklahoma Parent Empowerment Julie Seay, Molly Jenkins, Jenni White. The group addressed the board on pornographic literature currently in school libraries. They provide a list of books and materials that should be removed by law from school libraries and asked the assistance of Sheriffs to enforce the laws.


Agenda Items: Administrative Assistant Committee: Director McNair presented a request from the Administrative Assistants Committee to formally recognize them as a Presidential Appointment Committee. Motion was made by Sheriff Smith Seconded by Sheriff Head Motion passed.


Discussion Items

  • COVID Related Deaths: Executive Director McNair requested that a the board table the line of duty death benefit approved at the planning meeting. At this moment OLEM and the Federal government recognize COVID related deaths as line of duty deaths. Motion to Table made by Sheriff Mitchell seconded by Sheriff Smith. Motion passed
  • Virdian Legal Services: Executive Director McNair presented a letter from Virdian Legal Services asking the board to review and see if the OSA should consider joining their issues on Marijuana. The decision to not join in was decided.
  • Discussion On Representative Jay Stegall Media Release: Discussion took place on the media release by Rep Stegall on his Chief Law Enforcement legislation. It was decided that it would not have an effect to the OSA’s efforts to pass similar legislation. No issues were taken with Sheriff West’s name being mentioned in the article as the President of the OSA.

Executive Session

  • NONE


Old Business

  • NONE


New Business

  • Sheriff Turner brought up the federal money waiting to be spent by counties. It was determined from the discussion that no new construction could take place with the money.
  • Executive Director McNair reminded the board that the 2021 OSA magazine would be online and available to view. ARIDE Training taking place all over the state in months of February and March.


Secretary/Treasurer Report:

  • Sheriff Booth presented the financial report. Motion to approve by Sheriff Chennault seconded by Sheriff Head report approved.


Regional Chairman Report:

  • North Central Region: No Report
  • Southeast Region: No Report
  • South Central Region: No Report
  • Northwest Region: No Report
  • Southwest Region: No Report
  • Northeast Region: No Report



  • Sheriff Chennault motioned to adjourn meeting; Sheriff Turner seconded. Motion passed.


Sheriff – Canadian County – Sheriff Chris West Video

Canadian County Sheriff Chris West shares his beginnings leading to his election. He speaks on cooperation with other agencies of the surrounding areas



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