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Mar 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Mar 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: May 1st, 2019   Topic: Board Minutes Sheriff

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Smith.

Flag Salute/ Invocation: Sheriff West

Roll Call The roll was called with the following members present: Smith, West, Turner, Booth, Bowling, Chennault, Head, Devereaux, Dougherty, Weir, Mitchell, Sander Reeve. LeVick

Approval of Minutes: Turner motioned to approve minutes; Dougherty seconded. Motion passed.

Introduction of Guests

  • Colby Sander – Ellis County

Guest Speaker

  • Brian Hackler NCS Analytics provided the board with information on a new tracking software for the marijuana industry.
  • Senator Warren Hamilton spoke about SB??? Which prohibits the federal government from infringing on Oklahoma second amendment laws. Provides immunity for law enforcement when enforcing the second amendment laws.

Agenda Items

  • NSA State Block Request. The OSA provided the board with information on retaining a room block at the NSA conference hotel. Mitchell made the motion, seconded by Sander, Motion was approved.
  • NSA Virtual Meeting: The OSA provided the board with information on the NSA Virtual conference. The cost was 99.00 per person and the OSA asked if the board wanted to pay for any or all Sheriffs to attend. The decision was made to cover those board members who wanted to attend. Motion was made by?????
  • NSA DRE/ARIDE Grant: The OSA provided the board with information on an NSA Grant that would allow the OSA to put on training statewide for ARIDE/DRE training. The request was to seek approval from the board to apply for the grant. Motion was made by Sander, Seconded by Chennault, motion was approved.

Discussion Items

  • Legislative Update. Members were provided a copy of legislation. Maxwell and Ray provided an update. Currently we are tracking 53 deadline n the house of origin is done and we are on the final stages. All of our bills are still alive.
  • OSA Employment. Ray read from a letter from Katelyn Steadman to the board. With Katelyn leaving ray has expressed interest in adding additional employees to alleviate the current workload
  • CLEET Update: Sheriff West and Smith provided the board with updates on the CLEET, director, staff, and the academy.

Old Business

  • NONE

 New Business

  • NONE

Secretary/Treasurer Report:

  • Booth presented the January and February combined financial report. Motion was made by West to approve the report, Head seconded. Motion passed.

Regional Chairman Report:

  • North Central Region: No report provided
  • Southeast Region: No report provided
  • South Central Region: No report provided
  • Northwest Region: No report provided
  • Southwest Region: No report provided
  • Northeast Region: No report provided


  • Turner motioned to adjourn meeting; West seconded. Motion passed.



Sheriff – Logan County – Sheriff Damon Devereaux Video

Sheriff Damon Deveraux shares with us the day that Deputy Sheriff David James Wade was killed in the line of duty from gunfire while serving an eviction notice.



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