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March Board Minutes 2022

March Board Minutes 2022

Posted on: May 18th, 2022   Topic: Board Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2022

Edmond, OK

10:00 A.M.



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President West.


Flag Salute/ Invocation: Director Brandon Clabes/Sheriff Reeve

Roll Call The roll was called with the following members present West, Turner, Devereaux, Booth, Smith, Bowling, Chennault, Christian, Kelley, Dougherty, Weir, Bryant, Sander, Reeve


Approval of Minutes:  Motion Turner, Second Kelley, Motion passed


Introduction of Guests: Sheriff’s Harper, Grisham, Rink, Director Clabes, Todd Lamb


Guest Speaker: Todd Lamb & Eric Westfahl Nomad Defense. They presented a security fencing that could be made available to all 77 Sheriffs utilizing the state ARPA money. They asked the board for a letter of support.


Director Angela Berry and Chance Lipe OMMA. The Director provided an update on the progress of the OMMA. She discussed legislation pending that would assist the Sheriffs with a grant like the DEQ grants


Director Clabes CLEET: Gave an update on CLEET and upcoming legislation.


Agenda Items: CLEO Legislation: The Chief Law Enforcement came under controversy when we accepted the amendment to our legislation allowing the District Attorneys to be named Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the district. The Sheriffs who attended the capitol were not explained in advance of this decision by the OSA. The Director took responsibility for not getting the word out. Discussion then took place on whether we were giving the District Attorneys power over the Sheriff’s. Whether this bill would we give them a constitutional office. Sheriff Rink presented his argument on making DA’s Peace Officers and providing additional powers. After lengthy discussion a motion was made to support the bill as written by Turner, seconded by Weir Motion passed.


Consolidation Negotiations: We are currently negotiating the unification bill with lawmakers. Sen David and Rep Echols asked that we provide any changes thru a committee of two Sheriffs and two Chiefs. Motion was made to select Sheriff Sander and Bryant to negotiate for the OSA by Turner, Seconded by Dougherty, Motion passed.


NSA Invitation and Room Block: The NSA room block was received along with an invitation for two Sheriffs to attend the Kansas City conference at no charge. The board elected to offer the two scholarships to all 77 Sheriffs who would have a desire to attend Kansas City and recognize the value in the NSA. The board discussed covering their room charges a well. Motion to pay for hotel rooms was made by Kelley, Seconded by Bryant, Motion passed.


Sheriffs Picnic: The OSA presented three options for a Sheriffs Picnic. The Oklahoma City Zoo, Frontier City, and St Crispins. The choice was made to go to Sat Crispins on May 21st. This year we will have the meal catered. Motion made by Kelley, Seconded by Weir, Motion passed.


Board Resignation: Sheriff Johnny Christian submitted his resignation from the SE Region Chairman position. The board thanked him for his time as SE Chairman. Motion to accept his resignation made by Reeve, Seconded by Dougherty, Motion passed


OSA Vehicle: The OSA presented the board with several option for a vehicle for the Training Director. The board approved the Director to make the most cost-effective purchase for the OSA. Motion by Turner Seconded by Bryant, Motion Passed


OSA Employee Position: The Director made a request of the board to add a new position of a Scheduling Assistant. The salary requested for the position would be between 33K with a six-month review. Motion made by Bryant, Seconded by Devereaux, Motion passed


MILO Surplus: The OSA requested permission to surplus out the MILO simulator. The system has reached it extended warranty period and this is typically when we surplus out items like this. Motion to surplus the MILO to Seminole County by Bryant, Seconded by Turner, Motion passed


Discussion Items

  • Honorary Membership Drive: The OSA presented copies of the mailings that would be sent to the citizens of Oklahoma. The OSA asked assistance in spreading the word about the mailing in case a Sheriff’s office should receive a call about its legitimacy
  • Legislative Update: The Director and Mike Maxwell provided an update to the current session. We have just completed committee meetings and bills were headed to the floor.


Executive Session

  • NONE


Old Business

  • NONE


New Business


Nomad Defense: Earlier in the meeting it was requested of the board to provide Nomad Defense a letter of support. Motion was made by Bryant Seconded by Devereaux; Motion passed.


Secretary/Treasurer Report:

  • Secretary report was provided by Sheriff Booth. Motion to accept the Secretary’s report by Bryant, Seconded by Smith, Motion passed.


Regional Chairman Report:

  • North Central Region: Cancelled. Next meeting Turnkey is scheduled sponsor
  • Southeast Region: Canceled. Next meeting Turnkey is scheduled host.
  • South Central Region: Meeting was at Punkins in Garvin County sponsored by CTC.
  • Northwest Region: Meeting held at Fairview Bowling Alley hosted by Benchmark. Next meeting is Lucille’s in Weatherford.
  • Southwest Region: Meting cancelled due to weather. Next meeting at same location Burgess will be the sponsor.
  • Northeast Region: Meeting cancelled due to weather. Next meeting at Country Cottage in Locust Grove



  • Sheriff Bryant motioned to adjourn meeting, Seconded by Bowling. Motion Passed.




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