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Jan 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Jan 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: August 9th, 2021   Topic: Board Minutes Sheriff

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Smith.

Flag Salute/ Invocation:  Sheriff Shannon Smith

Roll Call The roll was called with the following members present: Smith, Turner, Booth, Bowling, Christian, Head, Devereaux, Dougherty, Weir, Bryant, Mitchell, Reeve

Approval of Minutes: Dougherty motioned to approve minutes; Bryant seconded. Motion passed.

Introduction of Guests

  • Mike Maxwell, Undersheriff Terry Garland – Seminole County

Guest Speaker

  • NONE

Agenda Items

  • Care with Dignity Appointment. Sheriff Chris Bryant elected to join the task force. Head motioned to approve; Reeve seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion Items

  • Strategic Planning Meeting 2021. Discussed the location and date of this year’s Strategic Planning Meeting. September was suggested for the time and Branson or Fort Worth were discussed for the location.
  • Sheriff’s Family Day Picnic. The day for this year’s Sheriffs Family Day Picnic is May 15th. Undersheriffs and their families will be allowed to attend this year.
  • Sheriff’s Academy Update. Executive McNair provided an update with the Sheriffs registered for this years Sheriffs Academy. The board voted to only allow Sheriffs to attend the academy this year due to following CTC guidelines.

Old Business

  • NONE

New Business

  • NONE

Secretary/Treasurer Report:

  • Booth presented the December financial report. Mitchell motioned to approve, Turner seconded. Motion passed.

Regional Chairman Report:

  • North Central Region: Meeting will be January 7th at 11:30 at Sables Café in Guthrie. Sponsored by NCIC.
  • Southeast Region: Meeting will be January 14th at 6:30 at Pete’s Place in Krebs. Sponsored by CTC.
  • South Central Region: Meeting will be held on January 21st at 11:30 at Napoli’s Italian Restaurant in Chickasha. Sponsored by Tiger.
  • Northwest Region: Meeting will be held on January 13th at 11:30 at Wilson’s Country Grill in Woodard. Sponsored by Turn Key Medical.
  • Southwest Region: Meeting will be January 27th at 11:30 at Golden Corral in Lawton. Sponsored by Tiger.
  • Northeast Region: Meeting will be held January 28th at 11:30 at Restaurant of the Cherokees in Tahlequah. Sponsored by NCIC.


  • Turner motioned to adjourn meeting; Bowling seconded. Motion passed.



Sheriff – Pottawatomie County – Sheriff Mike Booth Video

Sheriff Mike Booth has been serving Pottawatomie County since 2009 and is the current President of the OSA.



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